North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association
The North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA) is a 501(c)(6) trade organization that represents all the stakeholders helping to build a thriving hemp industry in North Carolina. The NCIHA is responsible for the lobbying effort behind the passage of the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. For a detailed description of the law enabling the pilot program and the administrative rules with which it will operate click here.
Why join NCIHA? Because we are stronger together than on our own. Together we present a united voice for making North Carolina the gold standard for the hemp industry in the United States.

At the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association we have many initiatives in the progress to help speed the cultivation and use of industrial hemp.
About Hemp

Hemp has been cultivated for millennia. It can be used for everything from textiles to food. Learn more about it.
Member Benefits

Join us in our efforts to encourage the greater cultivation and use of industrial hemp and take advantage of the many benefits of membership.
Industry Leaders

The hemp industry is bigger than it's been in decades and growing bigger. Learn about the exciting developments within the hemp industry.